American Journal of Entomology

Special Issue

Biological Control of Insects of Economic and Medical Importance

  • Submission Deadline: 28 February 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Flavia S. Krechemer
About This Special Issue
The basic premise of biological control is to control agricultural pests and disease-transmitting insects using their natural enemies, which can be other beneficial insects, predators, parasitoids, and microorganisms such as fungi, viruses and bacteria. It is a rational and healthy control method, which has as its ultimate objective to use these natural enemies, without leaving residues in the food, in addition to being harmless to the environment and the health of the population.
Based on this information, the purpose of the special issue is to publish relevant works in the area of biological control, either with basic studies such as the identification of new promising organisms or with methods and new technologies for mass production of control agents. Another area of growing interest within biological control, which may also be considered for publication in the American Journal of Entomology, is the niche modeling of target organisms as a function of climate change. Studies with this theme are essential considering the climate changes we have been experiencing.


  1. Biological Control
  2. Insect Pest
  3. Niche Modelling
  4. Climate Change
  5. Bioecology
  6. Taxonomy
Lead Guest Editor
  • Flavia S. Krechemer ORCiD

    Rural Sciences Center, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Curitibanos, Brazil